The task of leading in any organization can be daunting at times. 


How exactly do you move yourself and those you seek to lead to work together effectively to accomplish your organization’s mission and objectives?


There are of course no simple answers to this challenge. 

Nonetheless, there are essential leadership steps to follow to get and keep your teams on track and guide them to increasing levels of excellence.


If you’d like to learn how you can make your leadership journey not only more successful, but truly an enjoyable adventure of excellence for yourself and your teams, this invigorating, information infused, amusing and interactive session is for you.


What you will discover in this session is not based on theory — but comes from the real-life school of hard knocks. Forty year leadership veteran and author, speaker, and consultant Fred Schafer, MS, MCHES will share firsthand wisdom gained from his years in the trenches wrestling with the challenges all leaders must eventually overcome as they strive to inspire themselves and others to greatness. His goal is for you to come away inspired and equipped to approach your leadership role with new enthusiasm and practical ways create immediate change and impact!



**This high energy, interactive and humorous session can be presented as a keynote speech, break-out session or workshop.


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